A lot of us enjoy walking and climbing mountains. It is a very special feeling to stand at the summit and look down on the path you have followed. Moreover, you have had the chance to become familiar with a unique alpine environment. Perhaps you have learned a new plant, seen an owl or a buzzard, looked out for reindeer, seen a moose, or frightened away some ptarmigan chicks in the brush.
So how do you get to the Top of Arjeplog?
- April, 25 2018
We have selected ten peaks, both easy and difficult, for summer 2018. And there are also five extra peaks – ”bonus”. You can buy a special card on which to fill in your results. It costs 200 SKR and is for sale at the Tourist Information Office and Granns Järn & Bygg. For everyone under 18 the card is free. This is not a competition, but to make it fun you report your results, by handing in the completed card by 30 September. Everyone who hands in a card with at least five peaks takes part in a prize draw. The prizes will be awarded at the Biografen cinema in Arjeplog during the autumn market, October 2018. Ten gift vouchers each worth 500 SEK will be given to the lucky people whose cards are drawn from all those handed in. Further prizes to a value of 5,000 kronor will also be awarded.
Summer 2018
Renberget / Båtsojvárre, start Djuptjärn, Arjeplog, 628 m ö.h.
Veälbmábuovđđa, nära Mellanström, Uddjaure, 710 m ö.h.
Måffe, ca 7 km väster om Lövnäs 827 m ö.h.
Vuordnátj, nära Svelleholm, 652 m ö.h.
Áhkális, Akkelis, Bukt (OBS näst högsta topp i år), 760 m ö.h.
Jalgga / Långvikberget, nära Mellanström/Långviken 780 m ö.h.
Gålggåmissvárre / Rattikberget, nära Arjeplog, 556 m ö.h.
Lájsovárre, Laisviksberget, nära byn N Laisvik 705 m ö.h.
Märkberget, nära Gautosjö, Laisdalen 569 m ö.h.
Själbmátjåkhhå, vid gränsen/sjön Guoledisjávrre 1 061 m ö.h.
Bonustoppar sommar (dessa kan kombineras med eller ersätta en av de tio)
Nása / Nasafjäll, nära det gamla gruvområdet 1 211 m ö.h.
Guijjávrtjårro, öster om sjön Guijaure 1 312 m ö.h.
Nuortabe Jeärtta, nära Adolfström, 1 076 m ö.h.
Guijjávrtjårro, öster om sjön Guijaure, 1 312 m ö.h.
Bieljegájsse / Pieljekaise två alt. 1 137 eller 1 122 m ö.h.
(Det finns två toppar – välj den som passar bäst! Om du har hund med är enbart den lägre OK.)
Rásska, 8 km NV om Kungsleden / Västerfjäll, 1 456 m ö.h.

At Gautoberget July, 28 2017 with Top of Arjeplog. Photo Maria Söderberg